Demystifying API Gateway & Load Balancers

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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, orchestrating the flow of data and requests is akin to managing the traffic of a bustling metropolis. Two critical components in this digital thoroughfare are API Gateways and Load Balancers. While both play pivotal roles in optimizing system performance and enhancing security, understanding their unique... [Read More]

How to choose between wired & wireless?

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Choosing between wired and wireless is always daunting, isn’t it? Everything comes with it’s own pros and cons and to make an informed decision, one has to be aware of it all. Well as it turns out there are some neat laid down rules or guidelines to follow through to... [Read More]

How to setup moodle?

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This pandemic has been tough on each one of us. Many of us have faced financial problems, many lost their jobs, some started new bussiness or were self-employed. Whatever may be the case, one thing that we all have realised now is that having an online presence if very essential... [Read More]

How to never do your coding assignments again?

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Well, with this onset of pandemic, all of us have been forced indoors but The show must go on right? So, here we are attending classes from our bed or maybe working from home. If you are someone like me who always tries to find various ways on how to... [Read More]
Tags: shell bash